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Generating Code from JSON Typedef Schemas with jtd-codegen

JSON Type Definition, aka RFC 8927, is an easy-to-learn, standardized way to define a schema for JSON data. You can use JSON Typedef to portably validate data across programming languages, create dummy data, generate code, and more.

jtd-codegen is a tool that can generate types (clases, interfaces, structs, etc.) in many programming languages from a JSON Typedef schema. It lives on GitHub here.

This article will get you started on why jtd-codegen may be useful to you, how to install it, and how you can use jtd-codegen-generated code in your applications. Because every language has its own conventions and paradigms, using the generated code will vary a bit from language to language. For specific guidance for your preferred language, see:

Why generating code from schemas is useful

At a high level, generating code from schemas is useful because it fixes the missing link between your program’s type system and the JSON your program reads/writes. The alternatives to generating code from schemas is:

  1. Writing the JSON mapping layer yourself. This entails writing classes, structs, or whatever else is idiomatic to your language that know how to load themselves from JSON, and know how to write themselves out as JSON.

    Writing this sort of code is an error-prone and tedious process. If you have clients and servers written in different languages, you’ll have to repeat this work for every language in use every time you change your schema.

  2. Not writing a JSON mapping layer at all. This means that you pass around some generic JSON data blob throughout your code.

    When you do this, you lose the ability to lean on your compiler and IDE to tell you what properties do and don’t exist in your JSON, and what type those properties have. Very often, you’ll run into runtime errors due to missing properties, properties of the wrong type, etc. Plus, the result is usually less performant, because JSON blobs can’t be optimized like native types can.

JSON Type Definition is oftentimes a better alternative. It can do runtime validation of JSON inputs and give you compile-time data structures for valid data (via jtd-codegen), all from a single source of truth: your JSON Typedef schema. Your code will be reliable against bad inputs, you’ll save yourself the pain of writing mudane JSON mapping code, and you’ll be able to write type-safe code end-to-end.

Installing jtd-codegen

If you’re on macOS, the easiest way to install jtd-codegen is via Homebrew:

brew install jsontypedef/jsontypedef/jtd-codegen

For all other platforms, you can install a prebuilt binary from the latest release of jtd-codegen. Supported platforms are:

  • Windows (
  • macOS (
  • Linux (

Finally, you can also install jtd-codegen from source. See the jtd-codegen repo for more information if you go this route.

Using jtd-codegen

You can always run jtd-codegen --help to get details, but at a high level here’s how you usually use jtd-codegen:

  1. First, you need a schema to generate code from. Let’s pretend you have this in a file called schemas/user.jtd.json.

  2. Then, you need to know what programming languages you want to generate code for, and where you want jtd-codegen to put the generated code. Let’s pretend you’re interested in TypeScript, and you want to put the code in a src/user directory.

  3. Finally, you invoke jtd-codegen on your file, passing the CLI flags for the language(s) you’re interested in. You tell jtd-codegen what language(s) to generate using the appropriate --XXX-out flag. For TypeScript, that’s --typescript-out.

Putting it all together, you get this invocation for TypeScript:

jtd-codegen schemas/user.jtd.json --typescript-out src/user

When you run that, you’ll get output like this:

📝 Writing TypeScript code to: src/user
📦 Generated TypeScript code.
📦     Root schema converted into type: User

And, assuming your user.jtd.json looked something like this:

  "properties": {
    "id": { "type": "string" },
    "createdAt": { "type": "timestamp" },
    "karma": { "type": "int32" },
    "isAdmin": { "type": "boolean" }

Then the generated src/user/index.ts would contain:

export interface User {
    createdAt: string;
    id: string;
    isAdmin: boolean;
    karma: number;

Some languages require additional configuration, however. For example, if you were to try to do the same thing, but with Go (i.e. replacing --typescript-out with --go-out), you’ll get this error:

error: The following required arguments were not provided:
    --go-package <package>

As the error suggests, you can fix this issue by passing the Go-specific required arguments. For instance, this invocation would work:

jtd-codegen schemas/user.jtd.json --go-out src/user --go-package user

And generates the following inside src/user/user.go:

package user

import "time"

type User struct {
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
    ID        string    `json:"id"`
    IsAdmin   bool      `json:"isAdmin"`
    Karma     int32     `json:"karma"`

Integrating jtd-codegen

Every programming language is different, and jtd-codegen strives to generate code that is idiomatic to each language. For that reason, exactly how you integrate generated code in your codebase will depend on the language. See the language-specific documentation (links at the top of this article) for specifics.

Here are some general considerations on how you can integrate jtd-codegen into your codebase’s workflow.

  • jtd-codegen is deterministic. If you give it the same schema, you’ll get the same code generated each time. So if it makes your life easier, you can consider invoking jtd-codegen on every build. You can consider checking generated code into source control for the same reason.

  • jtd-codegen is make-friendly. In particular, if you want to regenerate src/user/index.ts whenever schemas/user/user.jtd.json changes, the following Makefile recipe could do the trick:

    src/user/index.ts: schemas/user/user.jtd.json
        jtd-codegen --typescript-out src/user schemas/user.jtd.json
  • You can pass jtd-codegen a schema via standard in. This can be useful if you’re writing your schemas as YAML, because that means you can do something like this:

    # yaml2json is a program that takes YAML and prints JSON to stdout
    yaml2json schemas/user.jtd.yml | jtd-codegen - --root-name user [...]

    Where [...] is whatever CLI flags you would normally pass to jtd-codegen. Note that the schema “file” is just -: that tells jtd-codegen to read the schema from stdin.

    Note also the --root-name argument, which tells jtd-codegen what the “top-level” name of the schema is. When you use a file as input to jtd-codegen, it can infer the value of --root-name from the name of the file. But stdin doesn’t have a name, so you’ll need to give jtd-codegen a hint if you want it to generate good type names.

Finally, if you’re using jtd-codegen in your own tooling – for instance, if you’re building some sort of custom interface description language (à la OpenAPI) on top of JTD, see the jtd-codegen guidance in “Embedding JTD” for how you can plug jtd-codegen-generated code into your tooling.