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Making your own implementation of JSON Typedef

JSON Type Definition, aka RFC 8927, is an easy-to-learn, standardized way to define a schema for JSON data. You can use JSON Typedef to portably validate data across programming languages, create dummy data, generate code, and more.

This article is about how you can make your own implementation of the JSON Type Definition specification. This is a relatively advanced topic, and is not something most people need to do. If you’re just looking to use JSON Typedef, then check out this list of existing implementations that you can use off-the-shelf.

JSON Typedef is a specification that’s designed to be easy to implement. This article exists to give guidance on how you should consider going about making your implementation, to make the process even easier.

Here are a few high-level steps you should follow before writing any code:

  1. Learn JSON Typedef if you haven’t already.

  2. Look through the existing implementations to see if there’s already one written in a language or style that is similar to what you’d like to create. You can use this for inspiration or reference as you’re working.

  3. Pull up RFC 8927. You don’t have to read the spec to implement it. But if you run into confusion over what JSON Typedef prescribes, these sections of the RFC will have unambiguous, formal language explaining what you should do:

    • Section 2 goes over what is and isn’t a valid JSON Typedef schema.
    • Section 3 goes over how validation works.

As you begin coding, it is strongly recommended that you use the standard test suite in your work. In particular, the standard test suite has two files that will be of use to you:

  • tests/invalid_schemas.json gives a bunch of examples of data that are not valid JSON Typedef schemas. You should consider adding tests that make sure none of these schemas are considered “valid” schemas in your implementation.

  • tests/validation.json gives a bunch of examples of schemas, inputs, and the validation errors that should pop out. You should consider adding tests that make sure your implementation returns the same set of errors (order doesn’t matter). You should also consider adding tests that make sure your implementation thinks all of the schemas in this file are valid.

Finally, for security reasons, you should strongly consider adding a “max depth” mechanism to your validation routine. Otherwise, your implementation may become the source of an algorithmic complexity attack. Think about what happens if your implementation is asked to validate data against the following, valid, JSON Typedef schema:

  "definitions": {
    "loop": {
      "ref": "loop"
  "ref": "loop"

If your implementation goes into an infinite loop or goes into a stack overflow, and there isn’t any set of configuration your users can employ to prevent your implementation from behaving that way, then attackers may figure out a way to use your implementation as a way to take up 100% of an application’s CPU or to send it into a crash loop, potentially causing a denial of service attack.

If your implementation maintains a “depth counter”, keeping track of many refs “deep” you are while validating, then you can write a “circuit breaker” that detects if you ever get beyond a ref depth of N, and aborts validation in that case. All of the implementations listed in the implementations list have this mechanism in place, so consider looking at their source code if things are unclear.